Grade 3 Presentation to Kindergarteners
On Tuesday February 22, one of the Grade 3 students gave a presentation entitled "How to play Basketball" in front of 5 year-old students from Tokyo YMCA International Kids Garden. International Kids Garden is an English kindergarten located in the same building as our school and the classes are conducted in English.
The presentation was prepared and given by the student using the Macintosh Keynote program. The student explained to the kindergartners the rules of basketball, and some photos of his basketball team. He also talked about the TYiS Basketball Club and told them that they can join this team when they get into Grade 3 at TYiS. The kindergarteners looked excited to hear about the possibility.
After the presentation, the kindergarteners had a chance to ask questions. They asked questions like, "Why did you chose basketball to talk about?", "How old were you when you started playing basketball?" and, "How often do you play basketball?" He ended up his presentation by answering their questions. They all had a great experience communicating with others of a different age. TYiS is thinking about continuing these types of presentations.