Fundraising with Mitsubishi Corporation

On Wednesday March 30th, our TYiS students and staff plus the Mitsubishi Corporation staff took up positions in front of the Mitsubishi Building, located at Marunouchi, to collect donations for the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund.
Everyone was excited to collect money and help those that need it the most. We divided into three groups standing along a busy corner/intersection with collection boxes, signs and informational fliers to hand out to the business people passing by during lunchtime. So many people were willing to donate money for the cause and it turned out to be a really successful fundraising event. All the cute, smiling faces of the TYiS students certainly helped to gather donations as well!

All of us worked hard for one hour politely asking for donations. Most of the time the students were asking for donations in Japanese, but whenever the occasional foreigner walked by, the students would yell out, "Please donate for the earthquake and tsunami victims!" We worked from 12:00 to 1:00 without stopping and everyone was tired, but excited to find out how much money had been collected. For the hour that we worked, we were able to collect 454,228yen! This donation will be used for transporting relief supplies and sending volunteers to help in this time of need. All the students did a great job as did all the YMCA and Mitsubishi volunteers.
Thanks for your generous support everyone!