TYiS Winter Concert a Success!Great Fun!

This year's event was a full-house with lots of families and friends turning out for an evening of TYiS student performance and entertainment. The choreography organized by the teachers was well done and a cooperative performance of our Music teacher on violin and School director Mr. Yamane on the saxophone with Grade 2 & 3 students on the bells was an extra treat at the end of the evening.

Also thank you to everyone for the donation for the YMCA International Charity which is collected at the concert. With all your support, we were able to collect 26,455JPY.
This will be used
・ to support children of Bangladesh to attend middle school education
・ to support kids in Beijing, China, for their swimming program
・ to support sending youth volunteers to East Timor, Jogjakarta, Beijing, etc.
・ to support YMCA activities in disaster affected countries / areas
Thanks again to all! Happy Holidays to everyone!
今年もクリスマスコンサートに多くのご家族、お友だちが見にきてくださり、満席となりました。生徒たちによる歌以外にも、Grade 2とGrade 3によるハンドベルと共に音楽の先生によるバイオリンとスクールディレクターによるサックスの演奏も加わり、より一層イベントを盛り上げました。
・ バングラデッシュの中等教育へ進学する子どもたちへの奨学金として
・ 北京YMCA子ども対象水泳プログラム指導者指導研修受け入れ
・ 海外プログラムへの青少年派遣(東ティモールワークキャンプ、ジョグジャガルタワークキャンプ、北京YMCA実習)
・ 緊急災害復興活動 等