Summer School
TYIS is offering our summer school program as an additional English experience for students. It will be a great opportunity for the students to strengthen their English skills. If you would like to participate, please contact TYIS by Wednesday, June 3rd. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact TYIS office.
Term 1 June17th to 21st, and 24th to 28th (10 days)
Term 2 July 1st to 5th (5 days)
Term 3 July 8th to 12th (5 days)
10am to 3pm (5 hours)
International School Students from Grade 1 to Grade 6 (2013-14 School year)
73,500yen (tax included) for the term 1
36,750yen (tax included) for each term 2 and 3
In the program, we will be focusing on language mechanics, how letters and words fit together to make proper sentences and how sentences work together to make good stories. There will be lots of fun educational Language Arts activities to support and enrich students English language skills!