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All the TYIS students from Grade 1 to Grade 6 went to Fall Camp at YMCA Yamanaka Center. This Center has nice Cabins to stay, a big field to play, and a great view of Yamanaka Lake and Mt. Fuji.
We arrived there on Wednesday October 13 after a nice bus ride from school. After eating lunch, we began the day's activities. First was a Scavenger Hunt that served as a tour of different areas in the camp. All the students enthusiastically participated and did a good job. Next up was a canoe ride for all the students on the Yamanaka Lake. After dinner (all the meals were well-prepared and nutritious) was the first campfire. We sang some songs and had a "Newspaper Race." The students finished the day doing their journals and having a Japanese-style bath.
Thursday morning arrived and the weather looked a little "iffy." But the rain held off, and we were able to get in a full-day's worth of activities! After breakfast, students did Science/Social Studies activities with their classroom teachers until lunch. In the afternoon the students split into two groups. Grades 1~4 went on a hike up the mountain close to camp where they collected leaves for a Nature/Art project that they worked on after their return to camp. Grades 5~ students boarded a YMCA bus and headed-off to Lake Saiko to explore the Aokigahara Jukai. There, they took photos that they will use in computer class to prepare presentations about their experiences. The second night's campfire featured a "Limbo" contest which tests one's balance and flexibility. Journals and baths once again closed out the day.
The students made postcards to send home after breakfast Friday morning. Then it was packing-up, cleaning-up and lunch before we boarded the buses to come back to Tokyo.
All in all, an excellent time was had by everyone!