Visiting Koto Citizens House to sing Christmas Songs

On Wednesday, December 15, Kindergarten through Grade 2 students visited the "Koto Senior Citizen's House" in the school's neighborhood to perform our Christmas and winter songs that we sang at the Christmas Concert. It was our third time to perform for the residents.
There, we were all welcomed into the Cafeteria. After our introduction, we started to sing beginning with the Kindergarten students. Once the students began to sing, the residents started clapping their hands and moving their bodies along with our songs. The staff at this facility said all the residents love children.

After our performance, all the students had a chance to shake hands with the residents. Many of them talked to the students saying "お上手でしたよ(you did great)", "かわいいね(very cute)" and "また来てね(come again)." The students looked happy to hear those words and see the warm smiles.
For many students, they have few chances to meet and chat with older people. Therefore, it was a valuable experience for them to perform at this facility. We would like to continue this tradition!