We are back from Fall Camp!

We are back from the annual TYiS Fall Camp!
All students from Grade 1 to Grade 6 had a great time at YMCA Yamanakako Center for 3 days. The weather was wonderful for outdoor activities!
We arrived on Wednesday October 12 by bus. After eating lunch, we began the day's activities. Grades 1〜3 played in the big field and went to the park near Lake Yamanaka and Grades 4〜6 went hiking to see the Ishiwari Shrine. After eating dinner, we all enjoyed the camp fire with a "Limbo" contest and warmed up with hot cocoa. The students finished the day doing writing journals and having a Japanese-style bath.

Thursday morning after breakfast, students did Science activities with their classroom teachers until lunch. In the afternoon the students split into two groups. Grades 1~4 went on a hike up the mountain and some students collected volcanic rocks, crickets and worms for a Science class. Grades 5 and 6 students boarded a YMCA bus and headed-off to Lake Saiko to explore the Aokigahara Jukai. At night, Grade 6 students took the role of starting the campfire. Journals and baths once again closed out the day.
Friday morning, students made postcards to send home using finger stamps. Then we cleaned up the cabin, packed, ate our lunch and boarded back to Tokyo!
アウトドア活動に最適な爽やかな天候の中、先週Grade 1からGrade 6までの全校生徒が2泊3日、山中湖キャンプに行ってきました。
キャンプ初日、Grade 1からGrade 3は広いフィールドで思いっきり体を動かしたり、山中湖近くの公園で遊んだりして過ごし、Grade 4からGrade 6は石割神社までハイキングを楽しみました。夕飯のあとは、キャンプファイヤーを囲みながら体の柔らかさを競うリンボゲームで盛り上がり、最後はホットココアを飲んで温まりました。寝る前に、クラスごとに分かれて日記を書き、その日を終えました。
キャンプ2日目。朝ごはんを食べたあと、クラスごとに分かれて植物や生き物の観察をし、サイエンスアクティビティーをして過ごしました。午後は、Grade 1からGrade 4は山中湖パノラマ展望台を目指してハイキングへ。Grade 5とGrade 6は、青木ヶ原樹海を散策しに西湖方面へ。そして夜のキャンプファイヤーは、Grade 6の生徒が火付け役に挑戦し、最後は日記を書いて1日を締めくくりました。