Happy Halloween!

We had a Halloween event here at TYiS on Friday October 28th. Everyone dressed up in their favorite character costume and went around the YMCA building and our neighborhood for Trick or Treating. We visited Daiei Corporation, Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company and the Senior Citizens House. This year, we had many exciting games, a Target game, a Pumpkin Bulls-eye game, a Candy grab game, a Lucky game, a Mummy game and a great Haunted House. Also, we had a Pumpkin Drawing and Design Contest. All students got a simple pumpkin picture and were asked to design it by coloring and decorating with their own ideas. We were all surprised to see student's creative ideas!

We would like to thank everyone who was involved in making this a memorable day for the students. Special thanks to the PTA for organizing such a scary Haunted House, games and all the decorations!
TYiSでは10月28日の金曜日に、ハロウィンのイベントを行いました。生徒たちは、お気に入りのコスチュームを着て、"Trick or Treat"と言いながら学校近所、(株)ダイエー、明治安田生命保険相互会社、特別養護老人ホーム江東ホームなどを回り、楽しみました。また、保護者の方々が作った本格的なお化け屋敷や、ハロウィンにまつわる多くのゲームも用意されました。今年はそれに加え、パンプキンコンテストも行いました。生徒たちは皆かぼちゃの絵が渡され、それぞれ好きなように色を塗ったり、デザインしたりしました。全ての絵は、学校のある建物の1階入り口に飾られました。生徒たちの創造力あふれる作品に職員一同驚きました!