Culture Week 2012 has started!

This year, culture week is being held from February 7th to 10th and the theme is "Living La Vida Loca"! We will explore Latin American culture through music, dance, food and history.
We kicked off the week with a trip to El Toritos to have great Mexican food with TYiS amigos (friends) and parents. After we came back from the restaurant, Grade 1 and 2 performed Latin songs with their handmade maracas and rain sticks.
We are honored to have a special guest to introduce us to Reggaeton and Meringue dancing on Thursday afternoon. The guest will also try to teach us a little bit of WAKAWAKA by Shakira!

Our culminating event will be on Friday, February 10th. That's when we will hear our final presentations and crack-open the piñatas! Piñatas are containers filled with toys and candy. They are suspended in the air for blindfolded children to break with sticks." Piñatas come in many shapes and sizes and are used during Festivals and celebrations.
カルチャーウィーク初日は、TYiS全体でメキシコ料理を食べにEl Toritoに行ってきました。メキシコ料理を食したあと、学校に戻りGrade 1とGrade 2の生徒たちによりラテンソングを披露。アートクラスで自分たちが作ったマラカスやレインステッキでリズムをとり、会を盛り上げました。