African Percussion "Patica"

On Thursday March 1st, two musicians, Kakuei and Ganbo, who play African percussion "Patica" came to our school to perform. Patica is a form of percussion which was born in Africa and brought in Japan.

Second graders were studying about Africa in Social Studies, so they got a chance to learn and practice playing patica. They were really excited to learn the new instruments! Kakuei and Ganbo taught us the basic moves and after practicing, we all played together.
Second graders gave them a Thank You letter and performed the African song "Jumbo" to show their gratitude! We all had a great time. Thank you very much to Kakuei and Ganbo for volunteering their time!
今回は、Grade 2が社会のクラスでアフリカについて勉強していたこともあり、Grade 2はKakueiさん、Ganboさんによるパチカレッスンを受けることに。子どもたちは、初めてのパチカに大興奮!基本の使い方を教えて頂き、皆でリズムに合わせてシャカシャカ演奏しました。
最後に、子どもたちから感謝の気持ちを込めて手作りのThank you letterとケニアの歌"Jumbo"を披露しました。改めまして、Kakueiさん、Ganboさん、ありがとうございました!