2022年4月から入園ご希望の方/ Admission 2022-2023
- 対 象
Age -
2 years old at the time of April 2022
※2 year:Children who were born between April 2, 2019 and April 1, 2020
- 講師体制
Teaching Style 外国人講師と日本人講師
Taught by international and Japanese teachers
- 保育日数
Days 週2~5日(月~金)の選択制
Twice a week to five times a week (Selective system)
※Open 38 weeks a year
- 定 員
Maximum Capacity -
24名/1日、24 children /per day
※KG-Pre school is accepted as "Unauthorized Childcare Facility" and its expenses are tax-free.
- 保育時間
Class Hour -
基本保育 9:45-12:15
- 保育料
Tuition Fee (monthly) -
<月謝> monthly
※8月を除く11回払い|※11 months, except August週2回 2 days a week ¥35,000 週3回 3 days a week ¥37,000 週4回 4 days a week ¥46,000 週5回 5 days a week ¥51,000
- 延長保育
Extension programs -
<申込制> Pre sign-up system
費用 fee:10回分チケット 10times ticket早朝保育
Early Bird8:00-9:45 ¥5,000 午後保育
Afternoon program12:15-14:45 ¥20,000 放課後保育
International Club14:45-18:00 ¥25,000 ※夏休み、冬休み、春休みなどの休暇中の保育も行っています。(平日のみ)
※KG-Pre school has a day care program during summer/winter/spring vacations.
(Only weekdays)
Holiday information will be released in a timely manner.
- 登録料
Enrolment Fee - 10,000円 YMCA新規登録の方のみ
¥10,000 only those who register YMCA for the first time
- 教材費 / 年額
Materials Fee (annual) -
- 施設維持費 / 年額
Building (annual) use Fee -