The YMCA Charity Run is a team based relay race and whose aim is the social awareness and understanding of challenged children. Your participation in the run will support the challenged children through the YMCA's camps and programs. With Mr. Charles Wilson's proposal and the sponsorship and guidance from the Foreign Community Supporting Committee(FCSC), the first charity run was held in Tokyo. Since then, it has spread throughout Japan.
As "Love on the Run" is our national slogan, there are more than 14thousands runners and volunteers from 21 different location of YMCA throughout Japan.

The YMCA offers various and exciting programs for the challenged children to participate actively in society. So that they too can build and nurture their self confidence and to enjoy the richness that life has to offer. (more details) Because certain programs cost could more than the budget, your participation will be able to cover one-on-one support by the volunteer, training of the volunteer, special facilities and equipment when needed, and implementing of the new programs for the challenged children. You'll be supporting not only the challenged children, but their communities and families simultaneously. By participating in this run, it will mean a lot to the challenged children. Not only you will be enjoying the day's event, but at the same time you'll be supporting the challenged children.